Navigating patient bias is a real challenge in healthcare. 

In clinical team settings, healthcare professionals may find themselves bystanders or targets when patients direct bias or microaggressions towards their colleagues, learners, or themselves.

Women and people of color are disproportionately targets of these incidents, and the changing demographics of medical students lead to more instances of bias and microaggressions in training environments. 

Healthcare professionals and leaders can use this guide to interrupt and prevent bias and harm from patients.
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Tips & Strategies for Addressing Bias & Harm from Patients

  • Learn how to notice microaggressions and respond in real time
  • Increase self-awareness to mitigate unintended harms through your own behaviors and lead by example
  • Get tips on addressing bias from peers and leaders

Key Components


Common Challenges to Speaking Up 

In the pursuit of fostering inclusive, equitable, and patient-centered care, healthcare professionals may encounter various challenges when addressing patient bias within healthcare settings. Recognizing and understanding these challenges is essential for cultivating supportive environments, empowering healthcare professionals, and fostering effective strategies to navigate complex ethical, cultural, and organizational dynamics. This section of our toolkit explores common challenges healthcare professionals may face when speaking up against patient bias, providing insights, strategies, and resources to support informed decision-making, advocacy, and patient care.


Key Factors in Preparing to Interrupt Bias from Patients

Addressing patient bias within healthcare settings requires thoughtful preparation, proactive strategies, and collaborative efforts to ensure effective communication, respectful interactions, and patient-centered care. This section of the toolkit provides key factors to consider and prepare for when addressing patient bias, offering insights, recommendations, and resources to support healthcare professionals in navigating challenging situations, advocating for inclusive care, and fostering respectful and equitable environments for all patients.


Tips for Noticing Microaggressions

Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional, verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights or insults that convey hostile, derogatory, or negative messages towards individuals or groups based on their perceived differences, identities, or characteristics. Recognizing and addressing microaggressions is essential for fostering inclusive, respectful, and equitable healthcare environments where all individuals feel valued, respected, and supported in their care experiences. This section provides guidance on how to notice microaggressions, understand their impact, and respond effectively within healthcare settings.


Tools & Resources for Leaders

Leaders play a pivotal role in fostering inclusive, respectful, and equitable healthcare environments, and equipping them with the necessary resources and tools is essential for driving meaningful change, promoting awareness, and advocating for patient-centered care that values and respects the diverse perspectives, experiences, and needs of all individuals and groups. This toolkit highlights resources for leaders to address patient bias effectively, educate their teams, lead by example, establish safe environments, and foster open dialogue within healthcare settings.


Addressing Bias from Peers

Addressing bias in the healthcare workplace requires thoughtful, respectful, and skillful communication to promote awareness, understanding, and accountability among peers. Providing constructive feedback to peers who demonstrate bias is essential for fostering a culture of inclusivity, respect, and equity within healthcare settings. This section highlights strategies and recommendations for addressing bias from peers effectively, promoting open dialogue, and fostering collaborative efforts to address and prevent bias in the healthcare workplace.
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Download your FREE toolkit!

Addressing patient bias within healthcare settings requires thoughtful preparation, proactive strategies, and collaborative efforts to ensure effective communication, respectful interactions, and patient-centered care. 

This toolkit provides key factors to consider and prepare for when addressing patient bias, offering insights, recommendations, and resources to support healthcare professionals in navigating challenging situations, advocating for inclusive care, and fostering respectful and equitable environments for all patients.