Customize Your Journey & Enhance Your Impact with 1:1 or Group Coaching

  • Are you seeking to truly understand your own biases and learn to interrupt them?
  • Have you been 'called-in'? 
  • Does your leadership team have blindspots or lack direction for integrating DEI within the institution?
  • Are leaders 'kind' and want to promote equity, but don't know where to start?
  • Is it hard to get honest feedback from team members to know what change needs to be institutionalized? 

Whether BIPOC professionals seeking tools and strategies to navigate workplace dynamics and barriers, or white leaders desiring to be allies, coaching is a deeply impactful approach to learning and internalizing equity! 
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Create the momentum you need with effective group coaching

Many healthcare leaders lack training in health equity, social determinants of health, and antiracism.
Most leadership teams also lack diversity.
Through group coaching, organizational leaders can generate the momentum and authentic collective growth that is necessary to institutionalize equity and antiracism. 

Get the support your leadership team needs

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Grounding Assessment Allows for Rich Organizational Feedback

Interviews and analysis of organizational documents will identify growth opportunities and a status report on DEIA culture and climate.

Whether organizations are silenced by fear and power dynamics, or held back by high regard and reluctance to critique, SWC has been successful at garnering honest feedback to help advance meaningful change. 
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Create an Activated Collective

Oftentimes DEIA efforts are advanced by a small group of individuals or even one person solely, or those who are advancing the work lack formal training on equity issues and context. 

Group leadership coaching creates an educated and skillful collective within the organization to disseminate effective DEIA strategy across the organization. 
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Implement a Strategic Plan for Integrating Critical Consciousness 

Many leadership teams lack vision and shared direction for integrating meaningful and sustainable DEIA into the organization.

This approach supports groups in creating an actionable and measurable strategy based on themes from the grounding assessment.

With transparency and accountability built in, teams will create tools to distribute and integrate across the organization. 

Why choose us...

Group coaching with Sharon Washington Consulting has led to increased understanding of team member needs and workplace harms experienced; and increased shared racial literacy and vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism. 

Penetrate organizational silence, discomfort, or fragility to get to the heart of change! 

Quality Learning Solutions

We provide the most relevant and up-to-date content to help learners advance equity in their careers and build strong foundations for their futures

Comprehensive Approach 

Our holistic approach compassionately confronts our shared history of inequity, provides tools and support to explore our socialization and somatic reactions to DEIA dynamics, as well as institutional strategies and resources to implement sustainable organization-wide initiatives. 

Client Focused

We work with our clients to understand their unique challenges and design a learning solution that meets their unique needs.
Invest in Making a Substantial Change

Organizations are using coaching to shift the consciousness of their leadership teams 

Healthcare leaders deeply trained to address racial inequities on teams, in patient care, and teaching/learning
Create a cohort of leaders with strategy, vision, and confidence to integrate change

Lovingly and compassionately open stagnant dynamics that stifle equity and inclusion

Courses & Coaching From Antiracist Experts in Healthcare

What You Can Expect:
  • Transformational Learning: Gain a deep understanding of racial literacy, social determinants of health, and trauma-informed approaches.
  • Equity Integration: Learn to integrate equity principles into teaching, practice, and decision-making, breaking the cycle of race-based medicine.
  • Inclusive Leadership: Develop skills to create authentically inclusive environments for all, irrespective of backgrounds and identities.
  • Overcoming Resistance: Equip yourselves to address resistance and pushback effectively.
  • Addressing Antagonists: Learn strategies to identify, address, and mitigate sources of harm within your institutions.
  • Support for Marginalized Team Members: Promote growth, provide mentorship, and create pathways for marginalized team members.
  • Navigating Binary Values: Develop the skillfulness to navigate diverse perspectives within your leadership teams.
“We cultivate a core group of champion leaders rooted in organizational feedback and expert DEIA perspective. With a collective vision, commitment for equity, and evidence-based pathway forward, team members can experience the sustainable change needed to integrate equity.”

Dr. Sharon GE Washington

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Utilize a Strategic Approach to Institutionalizing Equity