Organizational Climate & People Alignment 

Aligning People and Systems Through Critical Consciousness

Through organizational assessments, leadership training and development, we equip leaders with the tools to foster empathy, enhance resilience, and create more inclusive organizational cultures.
—Organizational Engagements

Improve organizational culture & climate

SWC helps organizations develop policies that directly address systemic inequities and promote equity. We also assist in designing programs that support diverse populations and foster an inclusive environment.
  • Enhanced Empathy and Resilience
  • Policies That Promote Safety and Inclusion
  • Improved Strategic Decision-Making
  • Reduction in Harassment Incidents
— Training & Coaching

Individual & Team Development

We aim to change the world of online education. We break borders and increase accessibility to address the urge for quality learning among all communities.

Team Coaching for Collective Growth

DEIA initiatives in many organizations are often spearheaded by a small group or a single person without formal training or broad support. Through group coaching, we foster the collective growth of leadership teams, ensuring that the responsibility for advancing equity and antiracism is shared. This approach creates a well-educated and skillful team capable of developing and implementing effective DEIA strategies across the organization.

1:1 Coaching

1:1 coaching provides a customized approach to leadership development, focusing on the specific goals and challenges of the individual. Whether you’re aiming to build your racial literacy, navigate systemic inequities, or improve decision-making, the coaching process is tailored to your journey.

Online Trainings

Many health care providers, leaders, learners and administrators believe in health equity, but lack formal training on the social determinants of health and systems of inequity.  

Critically Conscious Connections has courses, tools and resources that meet health care professionals at each level of DEI development and readiness. Courses can be customized and bundled for teams and organization-wide training or coupled with 1:1 coaching. 

Free Download | Learning Resources | Tips & Tools

5 Tips for Gaining Buy-In from Leaders

By following these tips, healthcare professionals can effectively communicate the importance of DEIA initiatives to leaders, foster a more inclusive healthcare environment, and ultimately improve patient outcomes and the overall well-being of healthcare professionals.

10-Step Grounding Assessment Checklist

This tool guides users through a transformative DEI assessment process, helping organizations evaluate their current practices, policies, and culture to identify areas for growth and change. Embrace diversity, foster inclusivity, and build a stronger, more united community with this essential resource.

Tools for Navigating Patient Bias

In clinical team settings, healthcare professionals may find themselves bystanders or targets when patients direct bias or microaggressions towards their colleagues, learners, or themselves. Healthcare professionals and leaders can use this guide to interrupt and prevent bias and harm from patients. 

Tools for Naming & Healing Racial Harm

The purpose of this resource is to provide guidance, language, and strategies for healing from racial trauma within the context of the healthcare workplace and beyond. This resource aims to support team members in their journey towards healing from racial trauma, fostering resilience, and reclaiming agency over their mental and emotional well-being within the workplace.
— Our trainings

Training content highlights

We ensure our trainings can deliver value when and how our trainees need—whether that be with the support and guidance of instructors or independently and remotely.
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